Monday, February 27, 2006

Little things

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tell me lies, tell me lies...Tell me sweet little lies Posted by Picasa

I guess nobody will Posted by Picasa

Got the message? Posted by Picasa

what butterflies? Posted by Picasa Posted by Picasa

....!#@@!# Posted by Picasa

feeling dizzzzzzzy Posted by Picasa

Destroyed link Posted by Picasa

You don't love me Posted by Picasa

All what I wanted from life Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

sometimes.....I wish Posted by Picasa

empty spaces Posted by Picasa

I can say it......eventually Posted by Picasa

can you mend this, let me see you try Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I can't feel my heart, anymore Posted by Picasa

MY heart Posted by Picasa

my life story, if you can read Posted by Picasa

Never make your heart fly away from you, never. Posted by Picasa

My heart, your hand.Are you happy now Posted by Picasa

I dare you to uncover me now! Posted by Picasa

My heart for you, on string, Enjoy Posted by Picasa

I am out of your way now, Enjoy Posted by Picasa